Year 6
Welcome to our Year 6 page!
Your Year Six team includes:
Gilbert - Miss Lake
Mandela - Miss Wightman
Our teaching assistant this year is Miss Horton. Mrs. Rance will also be working with groups and supporting the team.
What we will learn - Autumn
Our current reading focus
Science KO
History KO
Can all children please remember to read their school books every night for at least 10 minutes! The minimum reading expectation is 3 times a week. Bookmarks must be signed by an adult unless otherwise agreed with Miss Horton. Bookmarks will be collected on a Friday and children will receive dojos for each daily read.
Can children remember to use our online reading scheme- Oxford Reading Buddy.
UNIFORM - Can all children please be in school in suitable black shoes and complete uniform grey skirt/trousers or dress, white shirt and burgundy jumper/cardigan
Currently our PE day is Tuesday. Please come into school in your Fordbridge PE Kit. PE Kit should consist of a Fordbridge PE top/white t-shirt, with black, grey or navy blue jogging trousers or shorts. A suitable plain jumper for outdoor sessions. Suitable footwear. Please ensure your children come to school with the correct PE kit.
HEAD LICE - In order to keep head lice at bay please check your child nearly every day
WATER BOTTLES - We would like all children to have an appropriate bottle containing water in school daily.
Snacks- Children should bring in a healthy snack into school for break times. Chocolate and crisps are not a healthy option.
Safeguarding Reminders
Childline number - 0800 11 11
Puberty and growing up - our designated phase 3 member of staff to discuss any concerns or to seek advice around this topic is Mrs Holloway, learning mentor. Please call the school office and leave a message if she is unavailable.