What types of provisions do we offer?
What provision is made at Fordbridge Community Primary School for pupils with SEND?
The SEN Code of Practice identifies four broad areas of need. It states:
‘In practice, individual children or young people often have needs that cut across all these areas and their needs may change over time.’
Below is an overview of the provision Fordbridge Community Primary School puts in place to support children with these particular needs at universal, targeted and specialist levels.
Communication and interaction
Communication and interaction
Universal support (for all pupils, where appropriate)
- Differentiated curriculum planning, activities, delivery and outcome e.g. simplified language
- Key words mats
- Increased use of visual aids and modelling
- Adapted classroom environment
- Class visual timetables
- Structured school and class routines
- Staff differentiating language and using strategies inline with Elklan Communication training.
Targeted support (depending on the needs of the pupil)
- In class support with focus on supporting speech and language
- ICT software
- Speech and language/ Language Link intervention groups
- Symbol supported text
- Individual visual timetable and task management board
- Advice from Speech and Language Therapy Service (NHS) and school speech therapist
- Learning Mentor support
- Intervention from ASD lead - small group work
Specialist support (for pupils with more complex needs)
- Support from Speech and Language Therapy service or School Speech therapist
- Specialist programmes devised by Speech and Language Therapy Service or School speech therapist
- Autism specific programme (ASD team)
- SISS Autism team advice and Inclusion Support Practitioner support
- SENTAA Communication and Learning Difficulties specialist advice, assessment and support
- Makaton signing
- Social Stories
- Comic Strip Conversations
- Individual workstations (TEACCH approach)
- 1-1 support or teaching for some lessons or parts of lessons
Cognition and learning
Cognition and Learning
Universal support (for all pupils, where appropriate)
- Differentiated curriculum planning, activities, delivery and outcome
- Careful grouping
- Modelling
- Visual timetables
- Visual reminders, memory aids
- High interest / low reading age books
- Writing frames
- Scaffolding learning
- Task boards
- Access to ICT
- Use of recordable devices
- Reducing copying from board
Targeted support (depending on the needs of the pupil)
- Intervention programmes such as colourful semantics and Read,Write Inc.
- Precision teaching
- Shared in class support from TA
- Multi-sensory spelling intervention groups
- Targeted ICT access
- Learning Mentor time/ intervention
- Pre and post teaching
- Small group support or teaching for part of some lessons or interventions
- Reading overlays
- Coloured paper and exercise books
Specialist support (for pupils with more complex needs)
- Intense reading, writing, spelling, maths support and interventions
- Individual reading programme
- Specialist literacy and numeracy programmes
- SENTAA Communication and Learning Difficulties specialist advice and support.
- Small group or 1-1 support or teaching for some lessons or parts of lessons.
- Auditory and visual memory groups
- Fine and gross motor skill programmes such as BEAM
- Specialist ICT equipment or programmes
Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
Social, Emotional and Mental Health
Universal support (for all pupils, where appropriate)
- Whole school behaviour policy based on Restorative Justice
- Whole school values
- Whole school/class rewards and sanctions systems
- Circle time
- Jigsaw activities
- Access to Lunch Club support
Targeted support (depending on the needs of the pupil)
- Small group Circle Time
- Emotional Literacy small group work
- Learning Mentor support
- Stress balls, fiddle toys
- Planned movement and/or sensory breaks
- Meet and Greet
- Scaling during the day
- Nurture practices
- Circle of friends
- Individual reward system
- Intervention from Behaviour Manager, including touching base throughout the day
Specialist support (for pupils with more complex needs)
- Use of Boxall Profiles
- Individual work with Learning Mentor
- SISS Social Emotional and Mental Health team advice and support
- CAMHS/SOLAR advice and support
- Targeted intervention from Learning mentor or Family Support worker/school counsellor
- Targeted intervention from Behaviour Manager.
Sensory and /or physical needs
Sensory and/or Physical
Universal support (for all pupils, where appropriate)
- Flexible teaching arrangements
- Staff aware of implications of physical impairment
- Writing slopes
- Wobble cushions, weighted resources
- Pencil grips and adaptive pens/pencils
- Medical support/advice
- Soundfield systems in some classrooms
- Adapted worksheets and visual aids
Targeted support (depending on the needs of the pupil)
- Keyboard skills training
- Additional fine motor skills practice
- In class support for access and safety
- BEAM programme
- Stress balls, fiddle toys
- Staff trained in supporting hearing and visual difficulties
- Pre-teaching of key concepts
- Sensory assessments to support if any environmental changes are needed.
Specialist support (for pupils with more complex needs)
- Some individual support in class to access curriculum activities
- Access to specialist ICT hardware and software
- Specialist equipment e.g. adapted chair, toilet frame
- Access to medical room with adaptive equipment to support pupils with physical/ medical needs
- Advice/input from Sensory and/or Physical Impairment, Hearing and Visual teams
- Specialist programmes implemented by school or specialist services in school
- Speech recognition software
- Use of radio aids for hearing impairment