How are the adults in school helped to work with pupils with SEND and what training do they have?
How are the adults in school helped to work with pupils with SEND and what training do they have?
The school has a training plan for all staff to improve the teaching and learning of children including those with SEND.
Whole staff training to disseminate knowledge, strategies and experience, to ensure consistency of the school’s approach for children with SEND is planned and implemented termly. Individual teachers and support staff attend training courses run by outside agencies that are relevant to the needs of specific children in their class.
Recent training includes:
- Specific Learning Difficulties
- Speech and Language – supporting pupils with limited communication/ non verbal
- Autism
- SEND Toolkits
- Cochlear implants
- Team Teach
- Emotion Coaching/PACE
- Attachment Difficulties
- Foetal Alcohol Syndrome