Year 2
Welcome to Year 2
The staff in Year 2 are:
Miss Walton
Mrs Eldridge
Miss Hanson
Mrs Weaver
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to speak to us. We will be always happy to help.
What we will learn - Autumn
History and Geography
In geography, we will study our wonderful world. Looking at the continents and oceans.
Our history topic this term is significant people - we look at why they are significant and what it means to be a significant person.
In English and Shared Reading we study a variety of Non fiction and Fiction texts throughout the year:
The day the crayon quit by Oliver Jeffers.
Little beauty by Anthony Browne.
Gorilla by Anthony Browne.
Non-fiction texts.
Meerkat mail by Emily Gravett.
Non-fiction texts.
Poetry - What is pink
A range of traditional tales.
Georges marvellous medicine by Roald Dahl.
Poetry - It's behind you/ Charlotte's web
In science, we will be learning all about habitats and animals and their needs.
In Math's we will be learning our 2,3,5 and 10 times table in year 2. A great way to practice these is by accessing TT Rockstars.
Dojo's -
Children will earn a Dojo point every time they read!
The minimum expectation for reading is 3x a week. Reading books will be changed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Every time you read with your child you will need to sign and date in their reading record.
At the end of each term the children will spend their dojo points at the school dojo bank, which is full of wonderful prizes.
Reading books can also be accessed via Oxford Reading Buddy
A few important messages!
Uniform - Can all children please be in school in suitable black shoes and complete uniform. Grey skirt/trousers or dress, white shirt and burgundy jumper/cardigan.
Our PE day is Friday. PE kit should consist of a white t-shirt with black, grey or navy trousers or shorts.
Head Lice - In order to keep head lice at bay please check your child nearly every day.
Water bottles - We would like all children to have an appropriate bottle containing water in school daily.
As part of our PSHE lessons we discuss the importance of the PANTS rule with the children. The link below directs you to the NSPCC official site and a video explaining the PANTS rule and its importance for young people.