Year 4
Welcome to Year 4!
Our page will be updated with all the exciting things we have going on and any important messages.
Your Year 4 Staff members are -
Mrs Beavan
Miss McKernan
Teaching Assistants:
Miss Rhule
Mrs Allen
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to speak to us as we will be happy to help.
What we will be learning -Spring
Spring term topics
The Romans
Changing Planet
Animals including Humans
Respecting our environment
Times Tables
Each week, the children will take part in an online tournament in preparation for the Year 4 Multiplication Check which will take place in June 2025.
All children have been given their logins for TTRS and you can find this in the front of their reading diary.
The children will participate weekly in a times tables session in the classroom to help them improve their fluency.
Useful links:
Children can read any books from home along side a school book or access Oxford Reading Buddies.
Children can earn a Dojo every time they read.
Escape from Pompeii
by Christine Balit
The Chocolate Tree: A Mayan Folktale
In Shared Reading we will be reading:
The Firework-Maker's Daughter
by Philip Pullman
The Explorer
by Katherine Rundell
Runaway Robot
by Frank Cottrell-Boyce
Throughout the year, we focus on Christianity and Judaism.
In French, we will be learning about numbers, days of the weeks and months, c portraits, clothes and food.
(personal development, social skills and health education for children and young people aged 3 years to 16 years)
we believe that PSHE is the foundation for learning and development in all children.
In Fordbridge we use Jigsaw.
What is Jigsaw?
Jigsaw is a complete set of lesson plans for schools, one for each week, covering personal development, social skills and health education for children and young people aged 3 years to 16 years.
Our aim is to equip children to understand who they are, to be healthy and happy and good, caring people.
There is a strong emphasis on emotional wellbeing and mental health.
In school as part of our PSHE scheme we will be discussing the importance of the PANTS rule with all children
please click on the image below to access the PANTS rule website and child friendly Pantosaurus video.
Important notices
Please could you inform the office if anyone different will be collecting your child/children from school or from one of the afterschool clubs.
Thank You.
Sports clubs will finish at 4:30.
All other clubs will finish at 4:15.
Can all children please be wear suitable black shoes and complete uniform grey skirt/trousers or dress, white or blue polo shirt and burgundy jumper/cardigan.
PE Kit should consist of a burgundy or plain white t-shirt with black trousers or shorts. Please ensure your children come to school on their PE days wearing the correct kit - currently our PE day is Thursday.
Year 4 will be taking part in swimming lessons every Monday morning.
They will need:
- A swimming costume/shorts
- Towel
- Swimming hat
Water bottles - We would like all children to have an appropriate bottle containing water in school daily.
Snacks- Children should bring in a healthy snack into school for break times. Chocolate and crisps are not a healthy option.
Fordbridge are now using a Dojo system to help you stay informed on how well your child is doing in school, a quick way for you to communicate with your child’s teacher and a new, exciting style of homework!
Dojo will be used for the following:
- Daily attendance (1 dojo per day)
- Home reading (1 dojo per read)
- Homework (1 dojo)
- Achievement certificates (5 dojos)
- Star of the lesson (5 dojos)
- Golden Ticket (5 dojos)
- PE kit (1 dojo)
- Effort /good work (2 dojos)
- Acts of Kindness (2 dojos)