Parent Voice
Parent / Carer Voice autumn term 2024 / 240 responses
99% of you said that your child feels happy in school
100% of you said that your child feels safe in school
99% feel the curriculum is broad and balanced
99% feel that we have high expectations
99% feel that your child is making good progress and it is clear how your child is doing
99% of you feel that we support your child's personal development
Parent / Carer Voice summer term 2024 / 270 responses
98% of you said that your child feels happy in school
98% of you said that your child feels safe in school
96% feel that behaviour is good
96% of you feel that you know what your child is learning during the year
99% of you would recommend our school
99% of you feel that we support your child's personal development
Parent / Carer Voice - End of year report 2024 / 114 responses
100% of you were happy with your child's report
100% felt the format was easy to read / understand
100% felt informed on you child's attendance
100% understand how you child is attaining
100% felt informed on your child's next steps and targets
Parent / Carer Voice RSE summer 2024 / 101 responses
99% said that they were happy with the contents of the RSE curriculum
98% said that they understood what the school is teaching and the RSE policy
100% felt that school would listen if they had concerns
98% felt that they are kept well informed and know where to access the curriculum overviews and lessons plans on the website
Parent Voice PD 2024 / 221 responses
Thank you to those parents that completed our questionnaire. We are please to share with you the outcomes below:
100% enjoy the clubs on offer
97% feel that the clubs support curriculum
99% feel that the clubs support their child's personal development
91% said that clubs support behaviour
99% of you said that the clubs on offer were good or excellent
Summer 2023
Parent questionnaire feedback summer 1, we had 233 responses:
97.4% said that their child was happy in school
98.3% said that their child feels safe
94% said that the feel behaviour is good
98% are happy the curriculum
95% feel that they school informs them of what their child is learning
98.3% that their child makes good progress
97% that as a school we have high expectations of their child
Spring 2023
Incredibly positive parent feedback regarding the clubs that are on offer:
100% said that their child enjoys the clubs they attend
97% said that the clubs their child attends, supports the curriculum and learning
99% said that the clubs, support their child’s personal development
88% said that the clubs support their child’s attendance
91% said that the clubs support their child’s behaviour
98% said that the clubs on offer are good or excellent
Parent voice
‘ my child is not a morning person, breakfast club allows him time to get prepared for the day ahead, so by the time that he goes to class he is more alert’
‘ My daughter loves Fordbridge Friends, she always complains when it’s time to leave and insists on attending even when I am not at work’
‘ The breakfast club staff are always so helpful, they support my daughter going into school and help her to be positive’
‘These clubs help me to be able to work as a single parent and help my child’s development with being able to interact with other children’
‘ My child is very energetic, so breakfast clubs allows him to get rid of some energy and be ready to learn’
Resources for Parents and Carers
- Our NSPCC helpline on 0808 800 5000 or
- Support for parents hub at
- Positive parenting guide at
- On line safety- Tips, advice and resources to help keep children safe on line.
- Look, Say, Sing, Play early years resources to share and use with parents at
- Child Mental Health Wellbeing - 10 Top Tips for Parents
- Parents' Mental Health & Wellbeing - 10 Top Tips for Parents