Computing at Fordbridge
The Fordbridge Computing curriculum is designed to equip our pupils with the skills needed to thrive in an ever-advancing world of technology. Technology has a massive benefit on pupil progress when used across the curriculum and at Fordbridge we harness this potential to provide a rich and deep learning experience.
Pupils leave Fordbridge with a wealth of positive learning experiences; a solid understanding of programming and use of technology that goes above and beyond the Curriculum; and the confidence to thrive in their exciting next steps at Secondary level.
We have invested heavily in ensuring that cutting-edge technology is always available for pupils across the curriculum. We have over 120 laptops available for pupils to use, enabling them to take ownership of their own learning through our enquiry-based approach. Touchscreen ‘flip’ laptops allow pupils to develop graphic design skills, including 3D modelling, while our set of VR headsets transport pupils to a world of possibilities across the curriculum: seeing the Earth from the edge of space, taking a trip through the great pyramid or standing inside Stonehenge during the Summer solstice. We have a range of electronic toys for pupils to explore initial programming and a substantial selection of robotics elements that pupils can use to create and program physical systems.
Online Safety
Online Safety forms an important part of the curriculum and is taught across the year, and through discreet online safety lessons. We ensure a thorough coverage using CEOP, Twinkl and Teach Computing to provide pupils with a familiar and progressive learning journey which is appropriate to their age. Content is matched to the latest guidance from the Department for Education: Teaching online safety in schools (2023). Pupils in Key Stage One learn about appropriate and inappropriate videos, sharing pictures in a responsible way and how to respond to certain situations while playing games online.
In Key Stage Two, pupils learn how and when to block people online, encountering strangers on the Internet and the importance of real life friends over online ‘likes and subscribers’. In year 5 and 6, we have recently updated our curriculum to address specific issues reported by the class teachers. This new content covers social media, cyberbullying, passwords, false portrayals online, healthy friendships, online interactions, positive and unhealthy attention and self esteem.
Across the school, we use Project Evolve to teach the broader areas of online safety: copyright and ownership, managing information online, online relationships, online reputation, privacy and security, online bullying, self-image and identity. The BBC offers a range of additional resources to support these areas here.
At Fordbridge, we teach a rich and progressive curriculum which includes ‘creative projects’ for pupils to extend their learning beyond the primary curriculum in order to prepare pupils for secondary school and later life.
The curriculum is split into four ‘pillars’ of learning. These run throughout the whole school and are built on progressively as children move up through the year groups.
The red strands are Computer Science, which pupils are introduced to in the EYFS through electronic toys. Pupils in Key Stage One program Beebots with purpose to achieve a desired outcome, then throughout Key Stage 2 use a combination of Scratch and Crumble to code both virtual and physical systems.
In Information Technology (in blue), pupils identify how technology is used both in their immediate environment and in the wider world. Pupils progress towards understanding networks and how these can support communication and collaboration across the world.
Digital Literacy (in green) sees pupils save and retrieve digital content, such as videos or audio recordings. Pupils create and store their own content such as images and PowerPoint presentations in Key Stage One before progressing on to use a range of software in Key Stage 2 to accomplish given goals such as travel guides or advertisements.
Teachers assess pupils' understanding across the year based on the progression sheet and this is recorded each term using our curriculum assessment document. This is then moderated by the subject leader through routine pupil interviews.
Progression within Computing
Supporting Teachers with the Curriculum
Resources are openly available for staff to ensure that teachers know how to teach the curriculum and give as much support as possible when doing so.
Year 2 - We are Astronauts!

Year 3 - We are Programmers!

Year 4 - We are Software Devlopers! (Part 1)

We are Programmers! (Part 2)

Year 4 - We are Toy Designers

We are Game Developers! (Part 1)

Year 5 - We are Game Developers! (Part 2)

Year 6 - We are Game Designers! (Part 1)

We are Game Designers! (Part 2)

We are Game Designers! (Part 3)