Who are the other people providing services to pupils with SEND at Fordbridge?
Who are the other people providing services to pupils with SEND at Fordbridge Community Primary School?
Along with our talented and dedicated teachers, leaders and support staff, we also have access to support from Solihull Inclusion Support Service and other professionals for advice and support
Solihull Inclusion Support Service (SISS) teams include:
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health team
- Sensory and/or Physical Impairment team
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder team
- Early Years Specialist Assessment team
- English as an Additional Language team
Other Professionals include:
- SENTAA Communication and Learning Difficulties Specialists
- Speech and Language Therapy (SALT)
- School Speech Therapist through Just Keep Talking
- Occupational Therapy
- School Nurse
- Community Paediatrician
- Specialist Assessment Service
- Art Therapist
- School Counsellor