Remote Learning
Successful remote learning: Class Dojo enables us to:
Teach a planned and well-sequenced curriculum so that knowledge and skills are built incrementally, with a good level of clarity about what is intended to be taught and practised in each subject
Class Dojo allows teachers to seamlessly continue to provide the well-planned and sequenced curriculum that is taught in school when transitioning to remote learning. Lesson resources are all transferable using the platform, so the taught learning journey is in no way affected by remote learning. Clarity is achieved by sharing the WALT and an audio or video instruction from the teacher.
Use a curriculum sequence that allows access to high-quality online and offline resources and teaching videos and that is linked to the school’s curriculum expectations
Pupils access teaching that is in line with the school curriculum when remote learning. The lesson slideshow and modelling resources are used alongside the teaching input from pupils' class teacher to record a teaching video/audio or interactive slideshow. This is shared with pupils using Class Story.
Give access to high quality remote education resources
Pupils are provided with the high-quality resources that they would have been using in school. These are shared using the Portfolios feature and pupils are able to interact with the resources when completing their independent task or Oak Academy.
Select the online tools that will be consistently used across the school in order to allow interaction, assessment and feedback and make sure staff are trained in their use
Class Dojo was selected as it had been used for years as a behaviour management tool in our school. The platform is now used for homework, sharing the success of pupils with their parents, updates on what their child is learning in school and to provide a direct messaging feature for parents to contact their child's class teacher which ensures a smooth transition when remote learning is required. Class Dojo was also used to scan work to be shared during parents' evening. Staff received thorough training and detailed resources in September and any individual issues were resolved through bespoke support. Pupils were familiarised with the system in school to ensure that they would be confident with using Class Dojo at home.
Provide printed resources, such as textbooks and workbooks, for pupils who do not have suitable online access
Any pupil who does not have suitable online access or is unable to use Class Dojo is given paper copies of all work set in line with the other pupils in their bubble
Recognise that younger pupils and some pupils with SEND may not be able to access remote education without adult support and so schools should work with families to deliver a broad and ambitious curriculum - for pupils with SEND, their teachers are best placed to know how to meet their needs
Pupils in Nursery and Reception use Tapestry to deliver remote learning, as this is the platform that families are already familiar with. The remote learning experience over Tapestry is closely matched to the Class Dojo system, with pupils receiving the same levels of remote education. Pupils with SEND receive targeted teaching and resources through the portfolios feature to ensure that their individual needs are met.
Set assignments so that pupils have meaningful and ambitious work each day in a number of different subjects
Pupil assignments each day follow the school timetable, with pupils being set work across the full curriculum that is meaningful and ambitious with the support of the class teacher.
Set work that is of equivalent length to the core teaching pupils would receive in school, and as a minimum 3 hours a day, on average, across the school cohort
Pupils are taught a daily lesson over Class Dojo in maths, English and reading, along with a foundation lesson in line with our broad and balanced curriculum. Pupils also complete a number of independent tasks using software and platforms the school have a subscription to, such as times tables and spelling practise, reading activities, alongside daily exercise, reading and handwriting. This daily timetable covers the same hours as a school day, excluding break and lunchtime.
Provide frequent, clear explanations of new content, delivered by a teacher or through high-quality curriculum resources or videos
Daily maths, English and reading lessons are taught over Class Dojo. The lesson slideshow and modelling resources are used alongside the teaching input from the pupils' class teacher or high-quality curriculum resources to provide clear explanations of each area of new content. This is shared with pupils using Class Story.
Have systems for checking, at least weekly, whether pupils are engaging with their work, and inform parents immediately where engagement is a concern
Attendance and engagement are logged through Class Dojo. This is then used to contact parents where engagement is a concern to support families in engaging with remote education.
Gauge how well pupils are progressing through the curriculum using questions and other suitable tasks, and provide feedback, at least weekly, using digitally facilitated or whole-class feedback where appropriate
Questions and other suitable tasks are shared using the Portfolios feature and pupils are able to interact with the resources when completing their independent task. The class teacher receives completed work and provides live feedback to pupils every lesson, or at the end of the school day where it is a group of pupils isolating rather than the whole class.
Enable teachers to adjust the pace or difficulty of what is being taught in response to questions or assessments, including, where necessary, revising material or simplifying explanations to ensure pupils’ understanding
The work submitted is responded to by the teacher, who provides individual pupil feedback, additional explanation or support or signposts pupils to key points in the pre-recorded teaching input that may have been missed or not understood at first.
Parent voice from 86 responses collected over the autumn term.
84% Found the remote learning platform, Class Dojo easy to use.
86% Found the system effective for their child’s learning and engaging their child
90% Enjoyed the work set and communication features
92% Who loaned laptops found it useful
‘I found the experience amazing and I would be more than happy to use it again if it was needed. Well done Fordbridge!’
‘The biggest strength is getting feedback from teachers quickly, she really enjoys getting the feedback and she also feels grown up using the laptop for homework.’
‘The children are still able to do school work even though they aren’t at school.’
‘Work set had useful slides, hints, tips plus the addition of an explanation from the teachers explaining exactly what was needed.’
'I am writing this morning to offer some feedback on the most latest “round” of lockdown/home learning. I can honestly say how extremely happy I have been with the work provided by Miss Bradbury once again. The support both Miss Bradbury and Mrs Weaver give to my daughter is, quite simply, fantastic. The feedback she receives on Class Dojo really spurs her along to want to do the work to the best of her ability, knowing that within a very short time of submitting work, she will have a very personal message back. The work is always at the correct level with the optional challenges that she really enjoys trying. |
Parents Dojo Guide Step-by-step video
Some parents and carers have asked for ways in which they can support their child at home with reading. Below is a parent handbook with tips and suggestions on the best way to do this. There are also two videos which shows you the types of questions and discussions that can be had around a text. One video is a story called 'Alan's Big, Scary Teeth' and the other video is showing a reading of an extract from an animal encyclopedia.
Alan's Big, Sharp Teeth

Animal Encyclopedia

Below is a document which provides a range of useful websites that will help parents/carers and children.