Pupil Premium / Sports Premium
Pupil Premium Allocation
The Pupil Premium is allocated to schools with pupils on roll that are known to have been eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any time in the last six years; those who are children looked after (LAC) and those who are service children. Schools have the freedom to spend the Pupil Premium in a way they think will best support the raising of attainment for the most vulnerable pupils, enabling us to overcome the challenges faced by our disadvantaged pupils.
The pupil premium grant (PPG) was created to provide funding for three key areas:
- Raising the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and closing the gap with their peers
- Providing funding for LAC and previously LAC (PLAC).
- Supporting pupils with parents in the armed forces
Legal framework
- Children Act 1989 · Equality Act 2010 · DfE (2019) ‘Pupil premium 2018 to 2019: conditions of grant’ · DfE (2018) ‘Promoting the education of looked-after children and previously looked-after children’ · NCTL and TSC (2018) ‘Effective pupil premium reviews’ · MoD (2018) ‘The Service Pupil Premium: what you need to know’ · OfSTED (2013) ‘The Pupil Premium: How schools are spending funding successfully to maximise achievement’ · The EEF Guide to the Pupil Premium Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) allocation rates For the academic year 2019 to 2020, grant allocations are as follows: Disadvantaged pupils PPG amount per pupil Pupils in Reception
The Headteacher will report annually to the Governing Board and parents/carers regarding how effective PPG spending has been and what impact has been made. The impact of PPG spending, in terms of improving educational outcomes and cost effectiveness, will be monitored, evaluated and reviewed by the Headteacher and the Governing Board. Our PPG plan will be published on the school website, alongside the impact report.
Ofsted inspections will report on the attainment and progress of disadvantaged pupils in receipt of PPG at the school. The school is held to account for the spending of the SPP through the focus in Ofsted inspections on the progress and attainment of the wider pupil premium eligible cohort.
Pupil Premium Reviews
If disadvantaged pupils are not meeting expected levels, or slow progress means they are failing to realise their full potential, the school will consider undertaking a pupil premium review to objectively review the pupil premium strategy and identify ways to use PPG more effectively. If requested to do so by Ofsted, the LA or the DfE, the school will commission a pupil premium review. The review will be undertaken in partnership with an experienced, independent system leader with a proven track record in improving outcomes for disadvantaged pupils. The cost will reflect the DfE’s guideline that day rates for external reviews should reflect pay and expenses for a senior leader, including any costs incurred by their school to release them. Where costs are prohibitive, the school will consider the use of a joint review with local schools. The school may pay an additional cost for the brokerage service providing the reviewer. At the end of the review, the school will have an improved strategy and plans to implement it.
Barriers we consider when writing our strategy.
Internal barriers | |
Disadvantaged pupils typically enter EYFS with social, linguistic and communication skills below those of pupils nationally. | |
B. | Fordbridge Nursery has an admission of up to 30 pupils, therefore 2/3 of pupils often enter Reception having attended a range of prior settings or none. |
External barriers | |
C. | The school is situated in North Solihull, Chelmsley Wood and serves an area of high deprivation. Turbulence in families’ situations affects both attendance and the emotional resilience of disadvantaged pupils. |
D. | Many disadvantaged pupils do not experience a range of opportunities beyond what is available locally and do not develop a good general knowledge or wider perspective to apply understanding to their learning, develop a good vocabulary and generate and articulate ideas and opinions. |
E | There can be a lack of parental engagement within the community that the school serves. |
The Government allocate funding, every year for school's to improve the way they teach Physical Education and for school's to offer more opportunities for children to access free sport.
Please click on the link below to find out how we use this Sports Premium to ensure we get the most effective outcomes.