How does Fordbridge School involve parents of pupils with SEND?
How does Fordbridge Community Primary School involve parents of pupils with SEND?
Parents are involved at every stage during the identification of children with SEND and following.
In the first instance, parents will have already spoken to the class teacher during Parent Consultations.
When there are further concerns regarding a child’s progress or needs, a meeting will be arranged with the SENCo to discuss parents’ views and wishes. The SENCo and parents will decide if the child should be placed on the SEND register.
A ‘SEND Support Plan/ targets’ will be set up with input from everyone involved with the child. This will detail any adjustments that need to be made in school and for learning, the difficulties experienced by the child, short term targets and how these will be achieved, additional support that will be provided, attainment data and next steps. There will be a review meeting each term with parents, the class teacher and the SENCo (and sometimes other professionals involved with the child) to discuss progress against the targets, what is going well and what needs to change. The plan will be updated and a copy shared with parents. Parents are also encouraged to contact the class teacher or the SENCo with any questions or concerns if needed between meetings.
Children with an EHCP will also have an EHCP Annual Review, where the EHCP will be updated and new targets agreed. This meeting will be attended by parents and any professionals involved with the child as well as a member of the EHCP team from the Local Authority if appropriate. For pupils under 6 years old, they will have two annual reviews each year.