Pupil Voice
Year 1
"Maths is exciting because it is all about numbers."
"I enjoy Maths because it is fun and you get to solve different equations."
Year 2
"I enjoy my Maths lessons because it is engaging and you can learn strategies to solve different questions."
Year 4
"I love the challenges I am given in my Maths lessons because I get to show my workings in different methods."
"In Maths, we listen to the different times tables songs to help us learn our multiplication facts."
What is history?
“When you learn about the past”.
“You can order dates in chronological order”.
“Look at greatest achievements and how that links with today”.
What is working well?
“We use the VRs to help us visit the pyramids”.
“I am enjoying comparing photos from the past to today to see how things have changed”.
“We learnt lots of new information in the HUB like doing an archaeological dig for artefacts”.
“As a class we get to create a timeline to show some of the important history topics that we have learnt so far at school”.
“We like doing activities when we pretend we are someone in history and get to write a diary as if we are them”.
What is geography?
“Learning about the world and how it has changed”.
“Look at countries, oceans and continents”.
“We learn what happens around the world”.
What is working well?
“I like watching videos for clues and writing a letter in response”.
“Using the VRs so we can visit a country even though we can’t go there in person”.
“Our double-page spreads because we get to present the information how we want to and show what we have learnt”.
“We use the laptops to do our own research”.
“We learn songs and dances to help us learn the continents and countries”.
RE at Fordbridge.
Year 1
"We played a Jewish game called Hanukkah. It was so much fun!"
"We looked at the chalice and the cedar plate. It was special."
Year 2
"We have learnt about the prayer mat. Muslims face Mecca to pray.
"We like doing drama, we want to do more."
Year 3
"RE is very calm."
"We drank squash and ate bread, to learn about the last supper."
Year 4
"We like talking with our partners to reflect on what we are learning."
Year 5
"We like learning about different religions, it is interesting!"
"We watched a video and pretended to be the person in the video, it was fun."
Year 6
"We like using the laptops to research."
"We love presenting our information on a double page spread."
Science Pupil Voice
P.E -
Play Leaders - Summer
"I enjoy playleading as I get to have fun, help other children and get children more active. My role as a playleader is to get children to move around and be more confident. My role builds confidence and helps children become active through play. If I could change my role as a play leader, I would be given one group of children each term so I could get to know them well. To be a good play leader, you need to be respectful, confident, be good at listening and have leadership skills." Year 5 and 6 play leaders.
Year 1 child–
What do you enjoy about P.E?
"I enjoy P.E because it is fun and we do gymnastics and other fun things."
Year 2 child –
Do you learn new skills in P.E?
"Yes we learn how to throw, catch and do gymnastics."
Year 3 child –
What makes you a good sports person?
"You get better at P.E if you practice at break and lunch, being fast at running, having good skills and trying your best in the lessons."
Year 4 child –
What part of the P.E lesson do you enjoy most?
"When we do competetive things like races, games and challenges. Also I like P.E outside because there is more space and freedom to learn."
Year 5 child –
How do you know if you have done well in P.E?
"We get a medal at the end of the lesson if we have been the star of the lesson. The coaches give me good feedback if I have done a skill well and sometimes I ask the coaches if I have done well at the end of the lesson."
Year 6 child –
What is the structure of a normal P.E lesson like?
"We are introduced to the Bronze, Silver and Gold lesson criteria, we develop our skills throughout the lesson and sometimes put them into a game situation at the end."
Phase 1
We love computers, we enjoy playing games
We used the Beebots and made them move to where we wanted them to
We remember scanning people with the X-Ray in Nursery
Phase 2
It is very helpful for the modern day, I got confused at the start but wasn't confused by the end
You need to keep your password safe otherwise people would be able to go on your account
Using the VRs made it seem like I was really there
Phase 3
Being on a computer is the main thing I like about school, Computing makes me feel relaxed
I loved creating the maze game because you didn’t need to control it and it was a great experience
When we used the VRs you could see back in time
My favourite thing has been the PowerPoints because we love creating them, we got to include pictures, format them and it we didn’t get confused.
PSHE pupil voice
What is SMILE?
A time where we can express our feelings to someone and enjoy life.
It’s for when you’re upset or if your mood is off.
We learn about anti bullying and you should be nice to each other and listen to each other.
What do you do in your wellbeing/SMILE time?
Different activities like anti-bullying or go on the laptop, draw pictures
Sometimes we do colouring, we go outside or have music, the daily mile, just dance.
We draw, some play cards, some meditation, yoga.
How do you think it helps you?
Sometimes I get a bit stressed about work and smile time releases it and I get to spend time with my friends.
It helps people socialise and make new friends.
It helps make your emotions feels happier. We get to mess around with our friends and cheers us up.
Yes, it helps make your emotions feels happier. We get to mess around with our friends and cheers us up.