Welcome to Nursery
Achieving Excellence Together
Nursery 2024 Application
Fordbridge Nursery 2022/23
Meet the Nursery Teachers

Teaching Assistants
Mrs Rooke and Mrs Akins

Useful numbers - Solihull Health Visiting Team contact information:
To text a question to a Health Visitor, please use our ChatHealth service and text 07507 332563
To speak to a Health Visitor or to discuss an appointment, please ring:
- North – 0121 329 0120
- South – 0121 726 6755 or 0121 726 6756
For up-to-date service information, including information about well-baby clinics and groups, please access our social media pages:
@SolihullHVs | |
@SolihullHVs |
Important Messages!
- Can all children please be in school in suitable black shoes and complete uniform grey skirt/trousers or dress, white shirt and burgundy jumper/cardigan.
- In order to keep head lice at bay please check you ​child nearly every day.
Please make sure all belongings are named.
We are learning about Kipper’s Birthday. The children used a plastic knife to spread butter and jam on some bread and made a jam sandwich.

We have been learning about One Snowy Night and how Percy the park keeper looks after all the animals in the park

Friday the 10th January was a very cold day, in the afternoon we decided to wrap up warm and went for a Winter walk around the school grounds. When we got back Mrs Rooke made us some hot chocolate and cookies just like Percy did in One Snowy Night.


Santa came!

We were visited today by two gorgeous donkeys called Finn and Flash.

We have some new profession dressing up clothes

Odd sock day in nursery
A dinosaur zoo said one of the children
Monday morning and everyone is so busy
Diva lamps made by children at nursery and shop bought ones
Nursery staff dressed up as pumpkins
We have been learning to write the number 2

Learning to cut up fruit

Using a magnifying glass to view a worm we found in the nursery garden

Settling into Nursery

In school as part of our PSHE scheme we will be discussing the importance of the PANTS rule with all children
please click on the image below to access the PANTS rule website and child friendly Pantosaurus video.
Recipe for play dough, this is how Mrs Rooke makes it in nursery
1 cup of plain flour
1 cup of salt
1 cup of water
2 tablespoons of cooking oil
Half a teaspoon of cream of tartar/small sachet
Few drops of food colouring
Mix all the ingredients together and place in a microwave for 1 minute 20 seconds and stir. Repeat for 20 seconds at a time stirring each time until the right consistency is achieved.
It will be very hot so make sure to cool it down, the children love feeling the warm playdough. Enjoy!
This makes quite a bit of playdough but it keeps quite well because of the salt which acts as a preservative. Wrap in clingfilm when not in use to prevent it from drying out.
Ten town