Admission Arrangements
If you wish your child to apply for a place at our school, you will need to contact School Admissions at Solihull Local Authority.
The academy is able to accept 60 children in Reception 2024.
In other year groups the admissions committee reserves the right to limit the number of published places due to the level of need and resources in each year group. These are set in September, but reviewed as the level of need changes or operational circumstances.
We currently have the following limits
Year 1 - 60
Year 2 - 60
Year 3 - 88
Year 4 - 60
Year 5 - 80
Year 6 - 58
Places are allocated in accordance with our admissions policy.
Our Nursery currently offers 60 part time places from 8:30am - 11:30pm and 12.20 - 15.30. Places are applied for through school and parents are informed in April/May. There are limited 30 hour wrap-around places available, please speak to the school if you require this.
Places for Reception are allocated via Solihull admissions. Parent's who have applied for Reception places are usually informed if their application has been successful around the beginning of April. Children offered a reception place at a school are entitled to a full-time place in the September after their 4th birthday. Parents can defer the date their child is admitted to the school until later in the school year but not beyond the point at which they reach compulsory school age and not beyond the beginning of the final term of the school year for which it was made; and where parents wish, their child may attend part-time until later in the school year but not beyond the point at which they reach compulsory school age.
In accordance with Prosper Together Academy admissions policy, the school gives priority to children with a statement of special needs and those who live within a specific distance from the school.
If you have any questions please contact our friendly staff on 0121 779 8040
When your child joins the academy it is crucial that you provide us with accurate medical needs and contact details in the event of an emergency. We ask that all parents inform the main office of any changes in these details, so that we can keep our records up to date.
Application procedure for the normal intake
5.1 Parents will have the opportunity to express a minimum of three preferences, rank them in order and give a reason for that preference.
5.2 A Primary Education and Secondary Education booklet is available for parents and comprehensive information is published on the Council’s website.
5.3 Applications should be submitted by the published closing date.
5.4 Applications with ‘exceptional social or medical grounds’ must be supported by independent professional evidence. The Advisory Group for Admissions will consider applications and evidence and make recommendations to Cabinet Portfolio Holder, who will grant priority 2 to applications deemed to have exceptional social or medical reasons. Requests for ‘exceptional social or medical grounds’ can only be submitted once per academic year.
5.5 All children whose education, health and care plan names a school must be admitted. This will reduce the number of places at that school. The EHCP Team process these applications.
5.6 The home address is the place where the child is permanently resident with his or her parents. If care is shared between two parents, parents will need to provide a copy of the court order defining the arrangement. In the absence of a court order, we will use the address of the parent who is in receipt of the child benefit. Parents will need to send a copy of your child benefit award for the last two years. Admission arrangements 2023-2024
5.7 All applications are subject to address checks.
5.8 All offers of school places, for children resident in Solihull who applied by the closing date, will be made by us on the published offer date.
5.9 We will tell parents which school can be offered. If a place cannot be offered a reason for refusal will be given. Parents will have the right of appeal.
5.10 Any preference ranked lower than the school offered will be withdrawn.
5.11 Parents are asked to accept or decline the offer within two weeks.
5.12 The places that are offered are provisional and are dependent upon the circumstances of the application remaining unchanged until the child has started the school. It is important that parents provide us with any information relating to changes in circumstances, as soon as they occur. If a house move or fraudulent information means that the child is no longer entitled to the place it will be withdrawn.
5.13 If a place has been fraudulently obtained a place can be withdrawn after a child has started at the school.
Late applications and changes to applications for normal intake
Applications, received after the closing date, are late and will be processed after the offer day.
Changes to on-time applications received before the allocation will be considered if possible. Changes received after the allocation will be processed after offer day.
Additional preferences added after the closing date will be considered as late.
Application procedure for in-year admission (admission at any time other than the normal intake)
An in-year admission is at any time other than the normal point of intake.
Parents will have the opportunity to express up to three preferences, rank them in order and give a reason for that preference.
An application form is available for parents and comprehensive information is published on the Council’s website.
Applications with exceptional social or medical grounds must be supported by independent professional evidence. Cabinet Portfolio Holder will consider applications and evidence and grant priority 2 to applications with exceptional social or medical reasons. Requests for ‘exceptional social or medical grounds’ can only be submitted once per academic year.
All applications are subject to address checks.
Parents will receive an outcome to their application within 15 days of submitting a completed application. An application will be deemed complete when all sections are filled, and associated information is received. If a place can be offered the child is admission arrangements 2023-2024 6 expected to start within 6 school weeks. If a place cannot be offered at a preferred school parents will be given a reason for refusal and offered the right of appeal.
If a place cannot be offered at a preferred school applications will be prioritised for the waiting list using the over-subscription criteria for the normal intake to that school.
Solihull admissions 0121 704 6693
Waiting lists for normal intake and in-year admissions
Parents can request that their child’s name be added to the waiting list for any Solihull school that is ranked higher than the school that has been offered.
Waiting lists are made in strict priority order against the published admission criteria for the school.
If a vacancy arises in a school, the place will be offered to the child with the highest priority. Applicants will be put on the waiting list for the remainder of the half a term. Parents must contact School Admissions during the week before every school holiday if they want their child’s name to stay on the waiting list. Those who do not make contact will be removed from the list.
Fair Access
Each local authority must have a Fair Access Protocol to ensure that unplaced and vulnerable children, and those who are having difficulty in securing a school place in year, are allocated a school place as quickly as possible.
Fair Access Protocols may only be used to place the groups of vulnerable and/or hard to place children nominated in the School Admissions Code, where they are having difficulty in securing a school place in-year, and it can be demonstrated that reasonable measures have been taken to secure a place through the usual in-year admission procedures.
Please see the document below regarding our Nursery Admission process.
Please contact the school office on 0121 779 8040 or email: for an application form.